The University Press of Kansas publishes scholarly books that advance knowledge and regional books that contribute to the understanding of Kansas, the Great Plains, and the Midwest.
Founded in 1946 and reorganized in 1967 and again in 1976, it represents the six state universities: Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, Kansas State University, Pittsburg State University, the University of Kansas, and Wichita State University. The press is located on the west campus of the University of Kansas.

Established as a consortium by the Board of Regents, the press is governed by a Board of Trustees, who are the chief academic officers of the six universities and who appoint faculty members from each institution to serve on the advisory Editorial Committee. The Board of Trustees meets at least annually. For AY 2023–2024, the Board is scheduled to meet on the following Tuesdays: September 19, 2023; November 14, 2023; March 19, 2024; January 16, 2024; and May 14, 2024.
The press publishes work on American politics (including the presidency, American political thought, and public policy), military history and intelligence studies, American history (especially political, cultural, intellectual, and western), environmental policy and history, American studies, film studies, law and legal history, Native American studies, and books about Kansas and the Midwest. Our books have reached a wide audience both inside and outside the academy and have been recognized for their contributions to important scholarly and public debates.
University Press of Kansas Board of Trustees
Emporia State University: Brent Thomas, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Fort Hays State University: Jill Arensdorf, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Kansas State University: Jesse Perez Mendez, Provost and Executive Vice President
Pittsburg State University: Susan C. Bon, Provost and Vice President
University of Kansas: Barbara Bichelmeyer, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Wichita State University: Shirley Lefever, Executive Vice President and Provost
University Press of Kansas Editorial Committee
Emporia State University
Elizabeth Dobler, Elementary Education
Kevin Rabas, English and Modern Languages
Fort Hays State University
Sherry Crow, Advanced Education Programs
Kim Perez, History Programs
Kansas State University
Brianne Heidbreder, Department of Political Science
Michael Krysko, Department of History
Pittsburg State University
Kyle Thompson, History, Philosophy, and Social Sciences
Lori Martin, English and Modern Languages
University of Kansas
Hannah Britton, Department of Political Science
Adrian Lewis, Department of History
Wichita State University
Jeff Hayton, Department of History
Rannfrid Lasine Thelle, Religion Program