List of Illustrations
Foreword by Jeffrey R. Henig
List of Abbreviations
Introduction, Carl F. Kaestle and Alyssa E. Lodewick
Part One: The Federal Rose and the National Arena of School Reform
1. Federal Education Policy and the Changing National Polity for Education, 1955-2007, Carl F. Kaestle
2. Building the Federal Schoolhouse in Alexandria, Virginia: A Local Perspective on the Political Development of Education, Douglas S. Reed
3. Dismantling Education’s “Iron Triangle”: Institutional Relationships in the Formation of Federal Education Policy between 1998 and 2001, Elizabeth DeBray-Pelot
Part Two: Intergovernmental Relations in Federal and National Education Policy
4. Challenges in Redistributing Resources across Local School Districts: Evidence from Title I and State School Finance Equalizations, Nora Gordon
5. A National Movement Comes Home: State Politics and Educational Accountability in the 1990s, Kathryn A. McDermott
6. State Responses to the No Child Left Behind Act: The Uncertain Link between Implementation and “Proficiency for All,” Marguerite Clarke
Part Three: Equal Educational Opportunity
7. From Progressivism to Federalism: The Pursuit of Equal Educational Opportunity, 1915-1965, David Gamson
8. Rodriguez, Keyes, Lau, and Milliken Revisited: The Supreme Court and the Meaning of “Equal Educational Opportunity,” 1973-1974, Adam R. Nelson
9. Policies and Programs in the Nation’s Black High Schools: Are They Evidence Based?, Kimberly Edelin Freeman
Part Four: The Public and Private Sectors in Education Policy
10. School Competition and the Emergence of Symbolism in a Market Environment, Christopher Lubienski
11. Where Does Preschool Belong? Preschool Policy and Public Education, 1965-Present, Elizabeth Rose
List of Contributors