Remembering David Wallace Adams at WHA conference

Sheraton Kansas City at Crown Center, 2345 McGee St, Kansas City, MO 64108

A session entitled Remembering David Wallace Adams: A Discussion of His Life, Work, and Legacy, will be held at the annual conference of the Western History Association, to honor the work of the late David Wallace Adams, esteemed scholar of Native American studies and the history of the American West. Adams is the author of two University Press of Kansas books, Education for Extinction: American Indians and the Boarding School Experience, 1875–1928 and Three Roads to Magdalena, Coming of Age in a Southwest Borderland, 1890-1990. The discussion will be chaired by University Press of Kansas senior editor David Congdon and will include UPK author Farina King of the University of Oklahoma. Also participating will be Kevin Whalen, University of Minnesota Morris; John R. Gram, Missouri State University; Sherry L. Smith, Southern Methodist University; and Amanda Adams, Muskingum University.

The event will be located in the Empire C Room on the Mezzanine South level of the Sheraton Crown Center.