“A Full Share of All the Credit”: Sherman and Grant to the Fall of Vicksburg, John F. Marszalek
“Earned on the Field of Battle”: William H.L. Wallace, Steven E. Woodworth
The Reliable First Team: Grant and Charles Ferguson Smith, Benjamin Franklin Cooling
“If He Had Less Rank”: Lewis Wallace, Stacy D. Allen
The Forging of Joint Army-Navy Operations: Andrew Hull Foote and Grant, Benjamin Franklin Cooling
“I Could Not Make Him Do As I Wished”: The Failed Relationship of William S. Rosecrans and Grant, Lesley J. Gordon
Fighting Politician: John A. McClernand, Terrence J. Winschel
A Matter of Trust: Grant and James B. McPherson, Tamara A. Smith
“We Had Lively Times up the Yazoo”: Admiral David Dixon Porter, R. Blake Dunnavent
The War of Spies and Supplies: Grant and Grenville M. Dodge in the West, 1862-1864, William B. Feis
Grant’s Ethnic General: Peter J. Osterhaus, Earl J. Hess
List of Contributors