1. The “Perpetuation” Address: The Tragedy of America
2. The “Temperance” Address: Playing with Fire
Transition: February 1842–December 1847
3. Mr. Lincoln Goes to Washington: Popular Sovereignty and the War with Mexico
Transition: 1849–1851
4. Giant with Feet of Clay
Transition: August 1852–September 1854
5. “:The Faith of Our Fathers”: Lincoln’s Case for the Declaration
6. Legality and Legitimacy in the Dred Scott Case
7. The Concept of Dred: Facing the Abyss of Dred Scott v. Sandford
8. Man the Miner, Man the Farmer
9. Dividing the House?
10. In the Shadow of the House Divided: The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858
Transition: From the Illinois Debates to the Harper’s Essay
11. In the Shadow of the Harper’s Essay: The Lincoln-Dougals Debates of 1859–1860
Transition: February 1860–February 1861
12. Secession and Democratic Sovereignty
13. And the War Came
14. Lincoln’ Constitutionalism
15. De(a)dication
16. On the Second Inaugural Address