List of Maps
Part One: An Opportunity in Virginia
1. Lee Heads North
2. John Dix and the Department of Virginia
3. The Union Raid on Aylett’s Foundry
4. Halleck’s Plans to Counter Lee’s Invasion
5. Richmond’s Defenders
Part Two: Spear’s Strike against the Virginia Central
6. Dix Begins His Peninsula Campaign
7. Spear’s Raid to the South Anna
8. Rooney Lee’s Capture
9. Rebel Diplomacy
10. Richmond Prepares
Part Three: The Blackberry Raid
11. Dix Prepares the Second Wave
12. Keyes’s Advance to Bottom's Bridge
13. The Fight at Crump’s Crossroads
14. Getty’s Expedition to the South Anna
15. To the RF&P Bridge
16. The Attack on the RF&P Bridge
Part Four: In Gettysburg’s Wake
17. The Peace Mission
18. The End at Richmond
19. Halleck’s Bootless Plans
Part Five: Conclusion: Looking Back
20. The Forgotten Campaign
21. Questions of Supply
22. The Broader Scope
Appendix A: Federal Order of Battle
Appendix B: Confederate Order of Battle
Photo gallery appears following page 143