Read This First!
How to Identify a Mushroom, Sherry Kay and Ben Sikes
The Edibility Issue: Poisons and Individual Reactions, Dean Abel
An Anthology of Kansas Mushrooms
How to Use the Keys
Key to Orders
Phylum Basidiomycota
Conventional Order Agaricales: Some of the Gilled Mushrooms
Key to Families
Family Hygropharaceae
Families Marasmiaceae, Mycenaceae, and Omphalotaceae
Family Physalacriaceae
Families Tricholomataceae and some Former Tricholomataceae: Hydnangiaceae and Lyophyllaceae, Phyllotopsidaceae, Pleurotaceae, and Schizophyllaceae
Families Bolbitiaceae, Entolomataceae, and Pluteaceau
Families Cortinariaceae, Crepidotaceae, and Inocybaceae
Famies Hymenagastraceae, Psathyrellaceae, and Strophariaceae
Family Agaricaceae
Conventional Order Russulales
Family Russulaceae
Conventional Order Boletales
Orders Hymenochaetales, Polyporales, and some anamolous members of Agaricales and Russulales, mostly with pored hymenia but some with diverse hymenial forms
Orders Cantharellales, Gomphales, and Thelephorales and some atypical members of other orders: Chanterells, corals, and tooth mushrooms
Order Tremellales and other jellies
Order Phallales: Stinkhorns
Conventional Class Gasteromycetes: Gasteroid fungi
Phylum Ascomycota
Orders Helotiales, Leotiales, Pezizales, and Phacidiales: Mostly cup fungi
Orders Boliniales, Hypocreales, and Xylariales
Myxomycetes, or Mycetozoa: The slime molds
More on Mushrooms
Sex Lies, and the Truth about Mushrooms, Dean Abel, Sherry Kay, and Ben Sikes
Kansas Habitats: Where to Find Mushrooms, Ben Sikes and Bruce Horn
Forays: A Basic Kit and Some Risks, Sherry Kay
Online Resources for Identifying Mushrooms, Ben Sikes
Mushrooms in the Kitchen, Sherry Kay
Growing Mushrooms in Kansas, Terry Shistar
Mycological Latin, Richard Kay
Mycology in Kansas: A Brief History, Richard Kay
A Life List for the Kansas Mycophile, Sherry Kay
Appendix A: Relationships among the Species of Phylum Basidiomycota
Appendix B: Relationships among the Species of Phylum Ascomycota
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