List of Illustrations
Part I. The Trailhead
1. Turner’s Essay of 1893: The Frontier as a Molding Force
2. Turner's Apprenticeship: The Waspish Trail
3. The Making of a Historian: Yankee Perspectives
Part II. Clearing the Trails in Frontier History
4. Developing a Ruling Theory
5. Explaining Colonial American History
6. Explaining Agricultural History
Part III. World Frontiers and Sections
7. The Twentieth Century: Politics, Urbanization, and World Government
8. Turner and the Threats of the Twentieth Century
9. Turner’s Shadow on World Frontiers
Part IV. Hardening the Trail: The Ruling Theory Perpetuated
10. The “Realwestern” History: Its Impact upon Generations of Students
11. The Emergence of Frederick Merk
12. Reverse Environmentalism and Other Teaching Themes
13. Merk Takes the Flag
14. The Billington Era
Part V. New Trails and New Challenges by the New Westerners
15. The Challenge of Richard White to the Turnerian Legacy
16. Turnerian Echoes in William Cronon’s Nature’s Metropolis
17. After a Century: Minefields along the Turnerian Trail
Appendix A: Turner’s Lecture on Washington and Lincoln in 1896
Appendix B: Turner as a Teacher—Testimonials from His Former Students
Bibliographical Note