Introduction, John G. Clark
1. The Urban Frontier of the Far West, Earl Pomeroy
2. The Spanish-Americans in the Southwest, 1848-1900, Rodman W. Paul
3. The Fisherman’s Frontier on the Pacific Coast:The Rise of the Salmon-Canning Industry, Vernon Carstensen
4. American Indian Policy in the 1840s: Visions of Reform, Francis Paul Prucha
5. Stephen A. Douglas and the American Mission, Robert W. Johannsen
6. Indian Allotments Preceding the Dawes Act, Paul W. Gates
7. Squaw Men on the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation: Advance Agents of Civilization or Disturbers of the Peace?, William T. Hagan
8. To Shape a Western State: Some Dimensions of the Kansas Search for Capital, 1865-1893, Allan G. Bogue
9. The English and Kansas, 1865-1890, Oscar O. Winther
10. Banks, Mails, and Rails, 1880-1915, George L. Anderson