List of Illustrations and Maps
Part One: The War in North Carolina
1. Taking the Coast
2. Liberation, Discontent, and the Friends of Peace
Part Two: Military Plans for North Carolina
3. Lee’s Design for North Carolina
4. Grant’s Suffolk Plan
Part Three: The New Bern Expedition
5. On to New Bern
6. Bachelor Creek
7. Fort Anderson and Brice’s Creek
8. The Underwriter
9. Beech Grove and Newport Barracks
10. Decisions at New Bern
Part Four: Carolina Winter
11. The Kingston Hangings
12. The Politics of Peace
13. Ransom’s Raid
14. Preparing for the Spring
Part Five: Hoke’s Attack on Plymouth
15. Plymouth is the Target
16. The Attack on Plymouth
17. Fort Gray and Fort Wessells
18. The Albermarle
19. Hoke Presses the Advantage
20. The Final Attack at Plymouth
21. Confederate Victory at Plymouth
Part Six: Back to New Bern
22. Washington
23. New Bern, May 1864
Conclusion: The Confederate Resurgence Considered
Appendix A: New Bern Order of Battle
Appendix B: Plymouth Order of Battle
Appendix C: Plymouth Casualty Estimates