Foreword by Richard Rhodes
Part I Beginnings—The 1960s
1. Dealey Plaza
2. LIFE Magazine
3. Witnesses: The Bystanders
4. Witnesses: The Police Officers
5. Witnesses: The Railroad Men
6. “A Matter of Reasonable Doubt”
7. Puzzling the Pieces
8. Six Seconds in Dallas
9. Shooting Melons . . . and Coconuts, Pineapples, and Water Jugs . . .
Part II Aftermath—The 1970s
10. Changes—and a Good Night America Shocker
11. Acoustics
12. The House Select Committee on Assassinations
Part III Breaking the Impasse—The 2000s
13. Breaking the Impasse: The Puzzle Piece That Wasn’t
14. Breaking the Impasse: The Blur Illusion
15. Breaking the Impasse: The Crucial Piece—the Final Shot
16. The Medical Evidence
Part IV The Signal in the Noise—2013-2017
17. The Ad Hoc Committee on Ballistic Acoustics
18. The Crosstalk Silver Bullet
19. The Resurrection of the Acoustics
20. “I’ll Check It”
21. Ramsey Panel Redux
22. Journey to the Lair of the Master
23. In the Cold Light of Science
24. The Last Second
Appendix A. Quantitative Analysis of Crosstalk Found in Audio Recorded During the JFK Assassination, James Barger
Appendix B. Signal Processing Results for Both DPD Audio Files, Richard Mullen
Illustration Credits
About the Author
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