Introduction: A Flawed Theory with Dangerous Consequences
-Sanctuary Cities-Travel Ban
-China Trade Policy
-The Unitary Executive Theory: Overview
1. Presidential Power and the Unitary Executive Theory
-Literalist Theory-Presidential Prerogative: “Life and Limb” Theory
-Stewardship Theory
-Origins of the Unitary Executive Theory
-Weak Versus Strong Theories
-Textual Elements of the Unitary Executive Theory
-Unitary Executive Advocates Versus Critics
2. Domestic Powers: Part I
-Discretionary and Ministerial Duties-Discretionary Duties and the Limits of Presidential Control
-Presidential Power: Departments and Bureaus
-Executive Orders
-Signing Statements
-Federal Executive Clemency: The President’s Power to Pardon
3. Domestic Powers: Part II
-Appointments-Myers v. United States: Removals and Statutory Qualifications
-Independent Counsel and the Removal Power
4. Domestic Powers: Part III
-The Legislative Veto-Presidents and Agency-Level Rulemaking
-Reigning in the President’s Czars
-Executive Privilege: Constitutional, Yet Limited
5. Foreign Affairs Powers: Part I:
-The Unitary Executive and the Commander-in-Chief Clause-The Declare War Clause: A Hollow Legislative Power?
-Legal Obfuscation to Take Unitary Action
-An Emergency Presidential Power?
-“Sole Organ” Doctrine
6. Foreign Affairs Powers: Part II
-Military Commissions and Habeas Corpus-Foreign and Domestic Surveillance
-Extraordinary Rendition
-State Secrets Privilege
-Domestic Powers-Foreign Affairs Powers
-Our Model: How Government Should Function
-Going Forward