Preface and Acknowledgments
1. Obama’s “Long Sweep” and the Fragility of Legacy, Andrew Rudalevige and Bert A. Rockman
2. Hope, Change, or Neither? Reassessing Obama’s Leadership of Public Opinion, Brandon Rottinghaus
3. Party Foul: How Obama Made Partisan, Not Party, Politics in a Polarized Environment, Julia R. Azari
4. Obama’s Legacy for Race Relations, Alvin B. Tillery Jr.
5. Obama’s Latino Legacy: From Unknown to Never Forgotten, Angela Gutierrez, Angela X. Ocamp, and Matt A. Barreto
6. Obama and Congress, Molly E. Reynolds
7. The President and the Executive Branch, Sharece Thrower
8. Obama and the Courts: Judicial Policy-making as a Last Resort, David A. Yalof
9. Obama’s Second-Term Domestic Agenda: Lessons and Legacies, Alyssa Julian and John D. Graham
10. Obama and the Unilateral Presidency: Imperial or Imperiled?, Andrew Rudalevige
11. “Don’t Do Stupid Shit”: Obama’s Foreign and National Security Policy, David Patrick Houghton
12. The Leadership Style and Legacy of Obama: Comparisons and Complexities, Bert A. Rockman
About the Contributors