Introduction, Joseph Fruscione and Kelly Baker
Part I: Reconsidering Academic Careers and Success
1. Ten Things I Wish I’d Known during my Phd: How I Muddled My Way to a Great Career Anyway, Melissa Dalgleish
2. How to Move beyond the Professoriate, L. Maren Wood
3. Finding Footholds, Finding Your Way, Lisa Munro
4. How to Eat an Elephant; or There’s Life Outside Academia, Rachel Neff
5. Run Toward Yourself, Cathy Hannabach
6. What Would Your Poor Husband Do? Living with the Two-Body Problem, Kelly J. Baker
7. Reframing Success, Rachel Leventhal-Weiner
Part II: Creating New Careers
8. The Freeland Academic, Katie Rose Guest Pryal
9. Faculty Development: The (Unnecessarily) Long and Winding Road, Lee Skallerup Bessette
10. You Never Know: From Professor to (UX) Professional, Abby Bajuniemi
11. How I Left My PhD in English Behind and Learned to Love the Stacks, Brian Flota
12. Education, Writing, Entrepreneurship: Creating Impact through Communities, Rusul Alrubail
13. Finding the Fulcrum, Jessica Carilli
14. Can I Do This? Do I Want To? Building a Career in Real Estate, Elizabeth Keenan
Epilogue: Unhappy Beginnings, Joseph Fisher
About the Contributors