Introduction: Studying Leadership in American Politics, Jeffrey A. Jenkins and Craig Volden
Part One: Leadership from the Top
1. House Leadership and the Speakership of John Boehner, Barbara Sinclair and Gregory Koger
2. Leaders and Partisanship in the Modern Senate, Steven S. Smith
3. A President’s Decisions and the Presidential Difference, Matthew N. Beckmann
4. Presidential Leadership in American Foreign Policy, Philip B. K. Potter
5. Great Judges: Judicial Leadership in Theory and Practice, Charles M. Cameron and Mehdi Shadmehr
Part Two: Leadership Across Institutions
6. Parties and Leadership in American Politics, David Karol
7. Leadership and Interest Groups, Timothy M. LaPira
8. Leadership and the Bureaucracy, John W. Patty
9. Leadership in the States, James Coleman Battista
Part Three: Assessing Leadership in American Politics
10. Leadership: A Definition, William G. Howell and Stephane Wolton
11. Filters and Pegs in Holes: How Selection Mechanisms and Institutional Positions Shape (Perceptions of) Political Leadership, Alan E. Wiseman
12. What Do Political Leaders Do?, Eric M. Patashnik
Notes on Contributors