1. The President Meets the Rock Star
2. Ultimate Celebrity Makeover: How Do Celebrities Influence Others?
3. The Power of Spotlighting: Celebrities and Issue Advocacy in the Media
4. Blithering Idiots and Total Losers: Are Celebrities Credible?
5. The Power of Persuasion: Celebrities Frame Political Issues
6. The Times They Are A-Changin’: Celebrity Power Revisited
Appendix A: Summaries of Celebrities’ Political Activities in the Time Series
Appendix B: Methodology on Chapter 3 Content Analysis
Appendix C: Time Series OLS and Logistical Regression Estimates from Chapter 3
Appendix D: Survey Samples
Appendix E: Methodology on Credibility Study
Appendix F: Methodology on Surveys and Means Tests
Appendix G: Experimental Logit Estimates from Chapter 5