List of Abbreviations Used in Text
Part I: Inspecting the Terrain
1. Introduction: Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodies?
2. “Once You’ve Met One IG, You've Met One IG”: Modes of Monitory Democratic Practice
3. An Inspector Calls (with Apologies to J. B. Priestley): The Inspector General Category
Part II: The IGs at Work
4. Bungling Bureaucrats: Searching for Independence at State
5. A Political Democracy at State: Protecting Passport Privacy, 1992-2008
6. Lawyers Out of Court: Guarding the Guardians at Justice
7. A Constitutional Democracy at Justice: Forging Democratic Norms in the War on Terror, 2002-2010
8. From Terror to Hurricanes: Crafting Emergency Governance at Homeland Security
9. Managerial Democracy in Homeland Security: A Web of Accountability in the Gulf Coast Recovery Project, 2005-2009
Part III: The Democratic Perspective
10. Forging a New Democratic Form: Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Inspector
11. Conclusion: Quis Custodiet Custodem Ipsum Custodum?
Appendix: Interviews