Part 1: Operation Typhoon and German Deportations to the East
1. Operation Barbarossa: From Minsk to Moscow
2. Operation Typhoon: The Battle for Moscow
3. The German War Economy
4. Soviet Capabilities
Part 2: Operation Reinhard and the Downfall at Stalingrad
5. The Wehrmacht and the SS: Operating on Parallel Lines
6. From German Blue to Russian Uranus
7. Jewish and Military Proportions: Reinhard versus Stalingrad
8. The State of the Reichsbahn in Winter, 1942-1943
Part 3: The Battle of Kursk and the Height of the Final Solution
9. On the Road to Another Disaster
10. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: Footnote or Major Operation?
11. The Allied Invasion of Sicily
Part 4: The Extermination of Hungarian Jewry and the Allied Invasion of Normancy
12. A Long and Winding Road
13. Risk and Fear of Invasion
14. The Destruction of Army Group Center
Works Cited
Map galleries follow pages 77 and 145
Photo galleries follow pages 94 and 202