List of Maps and Illustrations
How to Use this Book
1. The Moves to Contact
Part I: The First Day, Wednesday, 1 July 1863
2. The Meeting Engagement on McPherson’s Ridge
3. The Second Assault
4. Initial Confederate Attacks North of the Railroad Cut
5. Ewell Enters the Battle
6. Union Defenses North Gettysburg
7. Barlow’s Knoll
8. Cemetery Hill
Part II: The Second Day, Thursday 2 July 1863
9. Deliberation over Lee’s Plan of Attack
10. Black Horse Tavern
11. Lee’s Terrain Appreciation
12. McLaws Cannot Execute His Orders
13. Hood’s Attack on 2 July
14. Law Moves Forward
15. Union Skirmishers on Big Round Top
16. Little Round Top
17. Devil’s Den
18. Kershaw’s Attack
19. 17th Maine
20. The Wheatfield: Union Responses
21. Stony Hill
22. Peach Orchard
23. Humphrey’s Reverse Slope Defense
24. McGilvery’s Artillery Line
25. Hancock’s Line Holds
26. Spangler’s Spring
27. Pardee Field
28. Summit of Culp’s Hill
29. Defense of Cemetery Hill
Part III: The Third Day, Friday 3 July 1863
30. Longstreet’s Assault
31. The High-Water mark
32. The National Cemetery
33. Benner’s Hill
34. East Cavalry Field
35. Gregg’s Attack
36. Stuart Withdraws
Appendix 1: Capabilities and Doctrine in the Civil War
Appendix II: Union Operational Logistics
Appendix III: Order of Battle
Appendix IV: Recapitulation of Casualties