Preface and Acknowledgments
Part One. Introduction
1. The Problem and Its Modes
2. American Internationalism
3. Imperialism and Nationalism
Part Two. The Age of Revolution and War
4. The Rival Systems of Hamilton and Jefferson
5. The Causes of War
6. Louisiana!
7. Balances of Power
Part Three. A Rage for Federative Systems
8. The Confederation of Europe
9. New World and Old World
10. To the Panama Congress
11. Into the Deep Freeze
Part Four. The Travails of Union
12. Great and Fearfully Growing
13. The Title Page
14. Constitutional Disorder
15. Decentralizing Tendencies
16. The Hope of the World
Part Five. Empire and Its Discontents
17. Reds and Whites
18. The Removal of the Cherokee
19. Annexation of Texas and War with Mexico
20. The Great Debate of 1848
21. Intervention for Nonintervention: The Kossuth Tour
Part Six. Into the Maelstrom
22. Invitation to a Beheading
23. Causes of War, Causes of Peace
24. D.I.V.O.R.C.E.
25. The Tragedy of Civil War
Part Seven. “At Last We Are A Nation”
26. The New Nation
27. A New Birth of Freedom?
28. “Free Security” and “Imperial Understretch”
29. A World of Its Own
30. The Unionist Paradigm Revisited
Part Eight. A Commission from God
31. The New Nationalism and the Spanish War
32. Imperialism and the Conquest of the Philippines
33. Informal Empire and the Protection of Nationals
34. Seward and the New Imperialism
Part Nine. The New Internationalism Comes and Goes
35. Before the Deluge
36. “Great Utterance” and Madisonian Moment
37. Safe for Democracy
38. The Liberal Peace Program Goes to Paris
39. The Great Debate of 1919
Part Ten. The Crisis of the Old Order
40. Nationalism, Internationalism, and Imperialism in the 1920s
41. The Great Depression and Economic Nationalism
42. Isolation and Neutrality
43. The Final Reckoning
Short Titles and Selected Bibliography