Introduction, Jeff Roche
Part I
1. The Western Hero in Politics: Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, and the Rise of the American Conservative Movement, Robert Alan Goldberg
2. Agricultural Politics in the Twentieth-Century American West, R. Douglas Hurt
3. The Illusions of Independence: Texas Oilmen and the Politics of Postwar Petroleum, Karen R. Merrill
4. “They Locked God Outside the Iron Curtain”: The Politics of Anticommunism and the Ascendancy of Plain-Folk Evangelicalism in the Postwar West, Darren Dochuk
Part II
5. The Politics of Place: Carey McWilliams and Radical Regionalism, Michael Steiner
6. Latinos in the Politics of the West, Ignacio M. Garcia
7. The Evolution of Modern American Indian Politics, Bradley Glenn Shreve
8. Becoming the New Objects of Racial Scorn: Racial Politics and Racial Hierarchy in Postwar San Francisco, 1945-1960, Scott H. Tang
Part III
9. Remaking Urban in the American West: Urban Environmentalism, Lifestyle Politics, and Hip Capitalism in Boulder, Colorado, Amy L. Scott
10. Free Minds and Free Markets: Counterculture Libertarians, Natural Capitalists, and an Alternative Vision of Western Political Authenticity, Andrew G. Kirk
11. The Call in the Wild: Nature, Technology, and Environmental Politics, John P. Herron
12. The Politics of Western Memory, David M. Wrobel