1. The Law of War
-Articles of War
-British Articles of War
-Military Justice in the Colonies
-The War of Independence
-Trial of Major Andre
-Congressional Oversight
-The War Power Transformed
2. American Precedents
-Constitutional Powers
-Statutory Framework
-Andrew Jackson in New Orleans
-Arbuthnot and Ambrister
-The Mexican War
-Judicial Supervision
-Scope of Executive Authority
3. The Civil War
-Lincoln’s Emergency Actions
-Suspending Habeas Corpus
-Martial Law in Missouri
-Procedural Checks
-Laws Recognizing Tribunals
-The Dakota Trials
-Monitoring the Courts
-John Merryman
-Clement Vallandigham
-The Milligan Case
-Other Judicial Rulings
-Spotlight on Andersonville
-Conspirators of Lincoln’s Assassination
-Clemency for Surratt
-Samuel A. Mudd
4. Codes of Modern Warfare
-Lieber's Code
-General Orders, No. 100
-Military Tribunals
-Lieber’s Legacy
-Occupation of the Philippines
-The Hague Treaties
-Revising the Articles of War
-Military Trials for Civilians?
-Lothar Witzke Crosses the Border
5. Nazi Saboteurs
-Training for Terrorism
-Why a Tribunal?
-Roosevelt’s Proclamation
-Tribunal Proceedings
-Appeal to the Civil Courts
-Writs of Habeas Corpus
-Rules of Procedure
-The Per Curian
-Finishing Up
-Six Executions
-Drafting the Full Opinion
-Evaluating the Decision
-Frederick Bernays Wiener
-Later Assessments
-The Fate of Confederates
-Another Submarine in 1944
6. Other World War II Tribunals
-Martial Law in Hawaii
-Hans Zimmerman
-Restoring Some Civil Functions
-Glockner and Seifer
-White, Spurlock, and Duncan
-Treatment of Japanese Leaders
-Command Responsibility
-Gaetano Territo
-The Eisentrager Decision
-Placing Limits on Military Courts
-Detlef Tiede
-An Occupation Court
-No Constitutional Rights?
-Insisting on a Jury Trial
- A Final Confrontation
7. 9/11: A Nation at War
-Bush’s Military Order
The Advocates
-The Critics
-Congressional Hearings
-International Resistance
-ABA Task Force
-DOD Regulation
-List of Crimes
-The Appeals Process
-Recruiting Defense Counsel
-Selecting the Defendants
-Charging Detainees
-Treatment of Prisoners
-Departmental Infighting
-Abu Ghraib
-Agency Legal Analysis
8. Judicial Process Against Terrorists
-Relying on Civilian Courts
-Moussaoui in Civil Court
-The Charges
-Moussaoui Represents Himself
-Right of Confrontation
-Waiting for a “Final Decision”
-Searching for a Compromise
-“Enemy Combatants”
-Yaser Esam Hamdi
-Judicial Deference
-Not So Fast, Mr. Bush
-Jose Padilla
-Access to Counsel
-The Second Circuit
-Comey's Statement
-The Court Ducks
Guantanamo Detainees
-In the D.C. Circuit
-The Ninth Circuit
-Releasing Detainees
-Prosecutorial Abuse
-Access to Federal Courts
-The Government’s Response
9. Conclusions
Index of Cases
Subject Index