Part I: Framing the Debate
Introduction, Robert Brent Toplin
Oliver Stone as Historian, Robert A. Rosenstone
Stone on Stone’s Image (As Presented by Some Historians), Oliver Stone
A Sacred Mission: Oliver Stone and Vietnam, Randy Roberts and David Welky
Part II: The Films
Salvador, Walter LaFeber
Platoon, David Halberstam
Wall Street, Martin S. Fridson
New Left, Revisionist, In-Your-Face History: Oliver Stone’s Born on the Fourth of July Experience, Jack E. Davis
The Lizard King or Fake Hero? Oliver Stone, Jim Morrison, and History, James R. Farr
Oliver Stone, JFK, and History, Michael L. Kurtz
Heaven and Earth, Le Ly Hayslip
Way Cooler Than Manson: Natural Born Killers, David T. Courtright
Nixon, Stephen E. Ambrose, George S. McGovern, and Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
Part III: Stone Responds
On Seven Films, Oliver Stone
On Nixon and JFK, Oliver Stone
Selected Bibliography