Foreword, Stanley N. Katz
Part I. Constitutional Contexts
1. Constitutional Contexts: The Theory of History and the Process of Constitutional Change in Revolutionary America, David Thomas Konig
2. The Inverted Constitution: Enforcing Constitutional Rights in the Nineteenth Century, Robert J. Kaczorowski
3. The Rise and Fall of Classical Legal Thought: Preface to the Modern Constitution, William M. Wiecek
Part II. The Modern Constitutional Republic in Historical Perspective
4. Free Speech and the Bifurcated Review Project: The “Preferred Position” Cases, G. Edward White
5. The Roles of Lawyers in a Civil Liberties Crisis: Hawaii During World War II, Harry N. Scheiber and Jane L. Scheiber
6. Constitutional Equality for Women: Losing the Battle but Winning the War, Cynthia Harrison
7. The Warren Court and Equality, Michael R. Belknap
8. The Overlooked Litigant in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969), John W. Johnson
9. Cultural History and the First Amendment: New York Times v. Sullivan and Its Times, Kermit L. Hall
Part III. New Directions in American Constitutional History
10. “Words as Hard as Cannon-Balls”: Women’s Rights Agitation and Liberty of Speech in NIneteenth-Century America, Sandra F. VanBurkleo
11. Race, State, Market, and Civil Society in Constitutional History, Mark Tushnet
12. Constitutional History and the “Cultural Turn”: Cross-Examining the Legal-Reelist Narratives of Henry Fonda, Norman L. Rosenberg