Preface and Acknowledgments
List of Figures, Tables, and Charts
Part One. The Land: its History and Biota
1. An Ancient Sea of Grass
2. The Biotic Communities of the Central Plains
3. Lessons in Survival
Part Two. The Grassland Avifauna
4. Broad Wings over Short Grass
Swainson’s and Ferruginous Hawks
5. Dawn Dances on the Prairie
Prairie-chickens and Sharp-tailed Grouse
6. Shorebird Sagas
Long-billed Curlew, Marbled Godwit, and Upland Sandpiper
7. High Drama on the Plains
Prairie Falcons, Mountain Plovers, and Prairie Dogs
8. Meadows and Marshes
Northern Harrier, Wilson’s Phalarope, and Franklin’s Gull
9. The Silent Hunters of Dusk
Burrowing and Short-eared Owls
10. A Lark by Any Name
Meadowlarks, Horned Lark, and Lark Sparrow
11. Music over the Shurbsteppe
McCown's and Chestnut-collored Longspurs; Lark Bunting
12. Furtive Sparrows in the Grass
Clay-colored, Grasshopper, and Vesper
13. Songs of the Northern Prairies
Sprague's Pipit, Bobolink, and Savannah and Baird’s Sparrows
14. The Peripheral Seed-eaters
Dickcissel; Henslow’s, Cassin’s, and Brewer’s Sparrows
Conclusion: The Disappearing Prairie and Its Declining Avifauna
A. Major Grassland Preserves in the Great Plains
B. Summer Status of Endemic Grassland Birds in Selected Areas
C. Birds and Plants Mentioned in the Text
Species Index