General Introduction: Groups, Selves, and the State, Christine Sistare
Part I. The Nature of Groups and Group Rights
Introduction: Alternatives for a Theory of Group Rights, Carl Wellman
1. Group Rights and Social Ontology, Carol C. Gould
2. Nonvoluntary Social Groups, Ann E. Cudd
3. What Are Group Rights?, George Rainbolt
4. Institutions: A Technique for Analyzing Group Entitlements, Christopher Gray
5. Groups: Rights, Wrongs, and Culture, Thomas W. Simon
Part II. Groups and Democratic Theory
Introduction: Groups and Democratic Theory, Larry May
6. Democracy and the Problem of Persistent Minorities, Steven Lee
7. Group Values and Liberal Democracy, John L. McGregor
8. Rights, Democracy, and Distribution: Economic Justice, Rex Martin
9. Duties of Group Membership: Justice as Reciprocity and Liberal Democratic Institutions, Patricia Smith
10. Recognition, Identity, and the Accommodation of Differences: Groups in the Liberal State, Emily R. Gill
Part III. Cultural, Ethnic, and Religious Rights
Introduction: Education, Religion, and Affirmative Action, Leslie Francis
11. Indigenous Groups and American Democracy: Substantive Approaches to Cultural Pluralism, Rebecca Tsosie
12. Group Land Rights, Edmund Abegg
13. In Defense of the Diversity State, Robert N. Van Wyk
14. Group Rights, Autonomy, and the Free Exercise of Religion, Erik A. Anderson
15. One Cheer for Affirmative Action, William Nelson