1. Introduction, W. Raymond Wood
2. The Great Plains Setting, Marvin Kay
3. A History of Great Plains Prehistory, Richard A. Krause
4. The Paleo-Indian Cultures of the Great Plains, Jack L. Hofman and Russell W. Graham
5. The Northwestern and Northern Plains Archaic, George C. Frison
6. The Central and Southern Plains Archaic, Marvin Kay
7. The Plains Woodland, Ann Mary Johnson and Alfred E. Johnson
8. The Central Plains Tradition, Terry L. Steinacher and Gayle F. Carlson
9. The Middle Missouri Tradition, R. Peter Winham and F. A. Calabrese
10. The Coalescent Tradition, Craig M. Johnson
11. The Oneota Tradition, Dale R. Henning
12. The Southern Plains Villagers, Richard R. Drass
13. The Late High Plains Hunters, Jeffrey R. Hanson
14. Euro-American Archaeology, Douglas D. Scott