List Contributors
On Rewriting Forest History, Char Miller
1. Roots of Forestry
-Forests and Conservation, 1865-1890, Donald J. Pisani
-WIldlife, Conservation, and the First Forest Reserve, John F. Reiger
-The Beginning of the National Forest System, Harold K. Steen
2. First Cuts
-Timber Uses, Timber Savers: The Homestake Mining Company and the First Regulated Timber Harvest, Richmond L. Clow
-National Forest Timber Sales and the Legacy of Gifford Pinchot: Managing a Forest and Making it Pay, Robert E. Wolf
3. At Loggerheads
-“A Regular Ding-Dong Fight”: The Dynamics of Park Service-Forest Service Controversy During the 1920s and 1930s, Hal K. Rothman
-Establishing Administrative “Standing”: The Sierra Club and the Forest Service, 1897-1956, Susan R. Schrepfer
-Economic Development and Indian Land Rights in Modern Alaska: The 1947 Tongass Timber Act, Stephen W. Haycox
-The Bitterroot Revisited: “A University [Re]View of the Forest Service”, Arnold W. Bolle
4. Multiple Uses
-From Rule-of-Thumb to Scientific Range Management: The Case of the Intermountain Region of the Forest Service, Thomas G. Alexander
-The Social Context of Forestry: The Pacific Northwest in the Twentieth Century, William G. Robbins
-What Price Sustained Yield? The Forest Service, Community Stability, and Timber Monopoly Under the 1944 Sustained-Yield Act, David A. Clary
-The National Forests and the Campaign for Wilderness Legislation, Dennis Roth
Forest Dreams, Forest Nightmares: An Environmental History of a Forest Health Crisis, Nancy Langston
Additional Readings