Part I. The (In)compatibility of Liberty and Equality
Introduction by Jonathan Schonsheck
1. Liberty Equality, and Distributive Justice, Jan Narveson
2. Reconciling Liberty and Equality, or Why Libertarians Must Be Socialists, James P. Sterba
3. The Foundations of Ethics and the Conflict between Liberty and Equality, David Phillips
4. The Conflict Resolved? Dworkin on Liberty and Equality, Steven Lee
5. Freedom versus Equality: A False Antithesis, Alistair M. Macleod
6. The Compatibility of Freedom, Equality, and a Communitarian Notion of the Self, Patricia H. Werhane
Part II. Law, Morality, and Limits on Liberty
Introduction by Christine Sistare
7. Liberty and Equality in Neonatal Intensive Care, Natalie Dandekar
8. Liberty, Equality, Eternity: The Case for Assisted Suicide, Robert C. L. Moffat
9. Punishment, Family, and State, Deirdre Golash
10. False Light, Wade L. Robison
11. Poverty, Equality, and Taxation under the Rule of Law: A Tension within Classical Liberalism, Kenneth Henley
Part III. Equality and the Clash of Cultures
Introduction by Larry May
12. Liberty, Equality, and Liberal Toleration, Emily R. Gill
13. A Nonpunitive, Compensatory Remedy for Discriminatory Abusive Speech, Diana Tietjens Meyers
14. All Words Are Not Created Equal, Joan McGreggor
15. Religious Freedom and Medical Refusal, Richard T. De George
16. Parental Refusals of Medical Treatment on Religious Grounds: Pediatric Ethics and the Children of Christian Scientists, Kenneth Kipnis
17. Economic Equality in the United States and Japan, Richard B. Parker