Introduction, Robert Goodman
Part 1: Gossip as a Moral Problem
1. The Vindication of Gossip, Aaron Ben-Ze’ev
2. In Praise of Gossip: Indiscretion as a Saintly Virtue, Ronald De Sousa
3. Gossip as Moral Talk, Gabrielle Taylor
4. The Logic of Gossip, Laurence Thomas
5. Gossip and Humor, John Morreall
6. The Legal Regulation of Gossip: Backyard Chatter and the Mass Media, Robert Post
7. Gossip and Privacy, Ferdinand Schoeman
Part 2: Gossip and Knowledge
8. Knowledge Through the Grapevine: Gossip as Inquiry, Maryann Ayim
9. Gossip, or in Praise of Chaos, Lorraine Code
10. Gossip: A Feminist Defense, Louise Collins
Part 3: Empirical Studies of Gossip
11. Gossip, Reputation, and Social Adaptation, Nicholas Emler
12. Used and Abused: Gossip in Medieval Society, Sylvia Schein
13. Gossip, Gossipers, Gossipees, Ralph L. Rosnow
14. Medical Gossip and Rumor: Their Role in the Lay Referral System, Jerry M. Suls and Franklin Goodkin
15. The Tendency to Gossip as a Psychological Disposition: Constructing a Measure and Validating It, Ofra Nevo, Baruch Nevo, and Anat Derech-Zehavi
About the Contributors