1. Causation, Constraint, and Political Leadership, Bryan D. Jones
Part 1: Leadership and Public Choice: Prospects and Problems
2. Formal Theories of Leadership: Agents, Agenda Setters, and Entrepreneurs, Morris P. Fiorina and Kenneth A. Shepsle
3. Leader/Follower Interactions in Mass Democracies: Follower-Driven Models, Bryan D. Jones
4. Two Conceptions of Institutional Leadership, Erwin C. Hargrove
Part 2: Culture, Economics, and Situation
5. A Cultural Theory of Leadership, Aaron Wildavsky
6. Strategies of Political Leadership in Diverse Settings, Frank R. Baumgartner
7. Paradigms, Power, and Urban Leadership, Clarence N. Stone
8. The Iron Law of Oligarcy Revisited, Robert Harmel
9. Leadership in the International System: Bismarck and Washington Compared, Manus I. Midlarsky
Part 3: Leadership in an Institutional Context
10. Presidential Leadership of Congress: The Role of Legislative Skills, George C. Edwards III
11. Coalition Leadership, Government Stability, and Macroeconomic Policy in European Democracies, John D. Robertson
12. Bureaucratic Leadership in Public Organizations, Kenneth J. Meier
Concluding Comments
13. Two Conceptions of Political Leadership Revisited, Bryan D. Jones
The Contributors